Low Back Pain Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies, Causes And Symptoms

Capsaicin applied to the area may help turn off the pain sensation in the brain. Willow bark with gotu kola can be applied externally or taken internally to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Degenerative Disc Disease: Your vertebrae are protected by a natural cushioning between them. In some people, these discs can degenerate, causing the bones to touch each other. This can be the result of arthritis, injuries or other problems. Treatment is fairly similar if the problem is minor. Spinal fusion may be required if the situation is unstable or the treatment doesn't provide enough relief. Heart Attack: Most people associate heart attacks with chest pain, but that is not the only location. In fact, you could be having a heart attack with little to no pain in your left chest. Look for pain in your back, neck, left jaw and left arm. There may be other symptoms, such as change in skin color, difficulty breathing, etc. If these occur, go to the nearest emergency room. Kidney Problems: Kidney disease and kidney stones can cause pain in the back. Both require a doctor to diagnose and both may need medical intervention. In other words, they are suffering from porous, weak, stiff, broken, or misaligned bone conditions. These and other causes of lower back pain require the care of a competent medical practitioner. Regardless of whether you merely need to treat severe lower back pain or you need to treat an underlying osteopathic condition, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers to help relieve pain and to help your muscles relax in order to promote healing. If there are no underlying conditions causing the pain in your back area, you can expect to recover within a few weeks, provided that you follow your doctor's instructions and that you do not have any bad postural habits (or that you do try to break those bad postural habits during your recovery). There are many possible causes of severe lower back pain and it is often impossible to isolate the cause in any specific case. However, diagnosis is not always necessary in order to successfully prevent and treat it. In nearly all cases, the severity of lower back pain recurrences can be minimized through proper physical therapy and exercise. It needs to be emphasized, however, that therapy and exercise should be done under the supervision of your doctor. Weak lengthen muscles coupled with chronically tight muscles (muscle imbalances) can pull the bodys bones out of alignment causing inflammation, compensation and even nerve pain. Back pain and especially low back pain diagnosis (spinal disc damage, osteoporosis, arthritis and infection) are often the effects of an unhealthy spine. An unhealthy spine is one that has limited mobility due to miss-alignment which is often caused by chronically tight muscles. When the spine is unable to function with proper mobility it will begin to degenerate. How does one keep a healthy spine? Here are some areas of focus that can help you to avoid spinal degeneration and or back pain. The spine is supported by a group muscles often referred to as the muscles of the CORE. Strengthening these muscles will give the spine a strong base of support. Focus on the inner abdominal and other core muscles by performing stabilization exercises and functional exercises. It's totally avoidable - Stretching your hip flexor muscles properly several times a week will prevent this kind of lower back pain. How To: Stand in a modified runner's stance, with right foot forward and left foot back, leg straight, forward foot flat on floor. Put your hands on your hips and keep your back and hips in straight alignment. Push forward with your hips, while maintaining your erect posture. Slowly, push your hips forward only until you feel a comfortable level of tension. Hold for a count of 10. Switch sides by reversing your leg stance and repeat. Continue alternating as you do multiple reps. Give this a try. It works like a charm for me. If you're already following an exercise program that's even better; you can fit these into your warm-up session, for example. Start off every other day and go from there as results and feedback from your body direct you. Remember, consistency is vital - It'll work if you work it.

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